Gilbert Tapales - why does clouds cry?

2014-11-07 6

for like a cloud forming in the sky

rains like them i don't know why

i guess the only reason there's rain in the sky

only the clouds hold them i think that's why

but sun hates cloud for blocking their light

the light that penetrates try to give life

and so the sun ask GOD to take away cloud

for cloud is a hindrance and sun wants it out

when GOD grants sun's wish, the rain cries

for that is the only reason they are up in the sky

rain cries hard and drop millions of tears

rains fall down falling with fear

sun felt sorry for what he had done

because the clouds and rain are now gone

and the light he give was so overwhelming

it's heat destroy life, a pain never ending

sun felt sorry for what he had done

he wants the clouds to be back at once

and GOD returns cloud to stay there for days

to cover sun's ray and stay there for rain

but rain was gone, but rain was gone

the cloud cries because rain was gone

the cloud cries drop a million of tears

just like the rains falling in fears

for the reason that clouds are up in the sky

to mourn for rain and to give his goodbye

Gilbert Tapales