You hear her first.
Imperious tone, even as she only asks
'Is Begum Sahiba home? '
Then in she sweeps,
Lime green, magenta silks
Flying like billowing sails
Upon a Spanish galleon.
Hair flowing like the waves
Arched brows and flashing eyes;
Every movement
Generations of pride and power.
'You know, I cannot understand
What Yahoos we are rearing now.
No culture, manners-only show,
Parvenues and rich 'chichore'.
Never read a book or give a damn
About what happened in past time.
It's just so sad. But what to do?
So let's have tea
And you brief me
On what you're doing'.
Then breaks that dazzling smile,
Like sunlight, universe-embracing.
Margery Rehman