Herbert Nehrlich - Only The Best For You, Gina!

2014-11-07 1

Lovely Gina ate cake with some icing
I was there, just to help with the slicing.
Took my eyes off the cake
which was one big mistake.
Well I found lovely Gina enticing.

So the slice was the shape of the Moon
and she called me a greedy buffoon.
So we ate it together
still discussing then whether
we ought to obtain a large spoon.

Full of cake lovely Gina got up
filled with Burgundy one coffee cup.
Then we washed down the cake
and went down to the lake
where I called her my burgundy pup.

So you see, when old geesers start dreaming
and imagining, lusting and scheming
it should not be alluded
or even included
in a limerick that may be redeeming.

Have a Happy and Many Returns!
As the world, that big volleyball turns,
you are one lovely lass
with a beautiful a**
can I meet you at night, in the Ferns?

Herbert Nehrlich
