Kenneth Snow - Peace for Christmas

2014-11-07 162

All I want for Christmas is Peace
All I want is war to cease
In the homes and on the street
Peace on earth and joy to greet

Underneath my Christmas tree
Christmas morn I hope to see
Headlines blaring PEACE ON EARTH!
For men of naught and men of worth

Wrap peace up in shiny foil
Seal it tight so it won't spoil
Put it on a freezer shelf
Keep it fresh, our future wealth

Take it out at dinner time
Share a slice of peace of mind
Pass it out to all our Brothers
Sisters, Children and our Mothers

Use the peace meal, use it wisely
Digest it well and let our eyes see
Peace on earth, good will to men
Need not wait until the end

In our homes on Christmas Day
Preach of Peace as only way
To be happy, to be sure
To meet Peace at Heaven's door

Kenneth Snow