who gives a dam - WHY ROBERT FROST LEFT THE BRONX (Stopping by my apartment on a snowy evening)

2014-11-07 6

Whose apartment this is,
I dam well know.
She's busy making noise though.
So she will not see me stopping here
next to her door so very near.

I give my bat a gentle shake
to make sure there is no mistake,
then pound that door with all my might
for keeping me up every fucken night!

I stagger down to my apartment below
thinking I'l sleep and forget my woe
But then it comes right thru the walls
'Jefferson Airplane' like cannon balls!

The basement stinks but it's dark and deep
Perhaps at last, I'l get some sleep
and dream of somewhere quiet and nice
while I toss and turn to shake off lice.

TELL ME! Is this what life's about!
Is it really time that I moved out.
At least it's certain when I die,
It'l be a sound proof coffin in which I'l lie! ! !

who gives a dam
