Alison Smith - If Writing Could Solve All My Problems

2014-11-07 2

If writing could solve my problems.
I would be writing all day long.
My mind is full of ideas
But they never seem to grow

Why do I attract you so?
What about me keeps you close?
Do you ever wonder the same thing?
Why have we become this way?

As each day progresses
And still we prevail
Its strange that we feel this way
How does it stay?

The more I grow to trust you
The more I feel lonely without you.
Let me explain my feelings
Let me express my pain.

When I ask for your help
Its “maybe”
Then I see you helping someone else.

If I don’t dropp everything
To be with you
Then you think I don’t care.
Sometimes it drives me crazy
When you don’t respond
But when I say “goodbye”
You say “wait”

Then sometimes when its our time
You hardly respond at all
I guess your friends are more fun sometimes
So I feel I shouldn’t be there.

Maybe someday you will understand
How frustrating this has become
Never knowing what your next move will be
Never knowing what keeps you away.

Alison Smith