Ryan Joseph Holder - A Perfect Love? ? (Rant)

2014-11-07 0

Love...What exactly is 'love'? Most would say love is something you feel for a person that means you would do anything in the world for that person, kill and even die as well! ! Yet......How can people fall out of love if you'd do so much for them? Many of us believe in soul mates....no? Well supposedly, you can only have one soul mate, and one way or another, every person you meet...every feeling you have...every decision you make...lead you to that person one way or another...but what if you don’t 'personally' meet that person? And if you’re married for life happily...it doesn't mean you've found a person to be your soul mate...I think a soul mate is someone who completes you in every way...someone who is in fact equal (not someone you treat equally) in every way...Now here is my theory...This sounds as if it were perfect...yet perfection is non-existent.........or? ......does it mean that love 'is' perfection...That feeling you get when you're staring into the reflection of the moon in the semi-calm water as your souls submerge into each other in one deep, beautiful kiss. That sensation when two people become one. When something you know might be wrong...feels right...Sitting during Christmas alone in a dark room lighten only by the lights on the tree, never wanting that perfect moment to end....That's just it...that 'perfect' moment....

Most people who read my works will tell you its angry/sad 80% of the time...they know that love is a touchy subject with me as well....but love is just as I said....'Perfect'....(With the right person of course =D)

Ryan Joseph Holder
