Christina M. Sanford (Daughter of Gaia) - Marijuana

2014-11-07 17

This poem is dedicated to all the Hippies
Mother Earth's herb grabbing iguanas
Who continue to carry the unmistakable rejection
To quit smoking Marijuana
This life that we share was suppose to be a complete bliss
Now my Children
Enter into my Tent of Dreams and let's reminisce
Let me grab my Cherokee Peace Pipe
Gather around my fire
Let's start from the beginning and smoke some cannabis
While technology makes our world speed up
Towards Death and Destruction
I would like all of you to slow down and catch up with this
As you read this poem inspired by the Holy Bible
The Book of Genesis

For not to be mistaken
Marijuana was created and blessed by the Great Spirit
On the 5th day of creation
Used for peyote ceremonial religion
Relaxation, guidance and meditation
Your psychiatrists might call this just another schizophrenic hallucination
Let me tell you the Truth
The leaves of such a special plant were for a Healing of a Nation
Then it was understood
That everthing our Great Spirit has created
He saw it to be good
And gave it to all of his children as food
Even that ditch weed my mother used to grow up in Da Hood
The Great Spirit said,
'Behold, our Mother Earth is born
And I raise for you a Plant of Renown
I have given you an herb bearing seed
That grows upon the face of Mother Earth
Now known as Weed
And this special herb I give to you
And it shall be for meat
Along with my Truth
My Love
And my Knowledge to Eat'

Christina M. Sanford (Daughter of Gaia)