Renu Rakheja a.k.a Tranquil Ocean - (H) 2 (DEDICATIONS) FROM THE LIFE OF AN INDIAN VILLAGE WOMAN-2

2014-11-07 2

No time to squander, no time to rest
The supervisor leering looking at her breast
Females in this country for centuries oppressed
When will it change, when will it progress?

She heads home after collecting her weekly wage
Her cheeks pinched, looking beyond her age
Her husband having picked a fight, waiting in rage
Beats her up for no reason as if crazed

Snatching the money, he heads to the arrack haunt
Its money day for him which he boldly flaunts
His family forgotten, its arrack that he wants
Abused and malnourished for years, his body gaunt

Resigned to her fate, she puts her children to sleep
Alone at last, she curls up and begins to weep
Dozes off, is rudely woken up by the drunken creep
Falling on her, his lust is unleashed

Renu Rakheja a.k.a Tranquil Ocean