By a fir tree in the wood sat a little shepherd boy
He had lost a lamb along the way and he wondered
why he had gone astray. As he walked back over the
muddy track the cold air blew down his back. He travelled
on about a mile then he began to smile.
He saw a light that he had not seen before and a stable
that lay heavy with straw. As he came closer there stood
his lamb all gleaming bright as if it had lit up the whole of
the night.
He picked him up and made his way back but the lamb
returned along the same old track. The shepherd boy
followed the lamb once more because he too wanted to
know what was behind that stable door.
It was there they found a babe in arms, full of glory and all
Godly charms. He took his cloak from off his shounders and
knelt into the straw and he thanked the lamb for leading him
through the door. Joined by Angels and Ark Angels the sight
was Heavenly. Now that door is open wide for all the world
to see.
sylvia spencer