Twas in that moment of sleeplessness,
that slowly I have faded into dream,
the somber feelings of yesterday's touch,
hath reached the dark empty spaces.
And so it was as it should be,
that you have placed yourself at my side,
knowing that the existence of reality,
would bring upon it's own Plath.
Yet in this space held only by you,
the enlightenment of my very soul,
hath rendered it's own judgement forth,
and I have never returned.
Shall I offer up the gratitude,
that in long over due must have voice,
the rearrangement of my string quartet,
is truly the doings of you.
For it was love offered unknown,
that hath weeded a garden of barren fruit,
bringing forth the unseen truth,
of the pool never before explored.
And I shalt offer unto thee,
thine most precious gem to which I have claim,
though holding no worldly worth,
I am yours my fair Maiden so...............................
Geoff Warden