Karl Stuart Kline - (2.0) One for All

2014-11-07 2

I’m a poet who would right the wrongs of this world,
But it’s not so easily done.
My empathy is my strength and my weakness, too,
With others I can be as one

I know that I cannot always be correct,
To err is human, after all
But silence is the greater defect,
Unspoken thoughts might never be recalled...

Speaking without purpose is only making noise,
Meaningless to the listeners
And useless to the audience that is poised,
Ready to act on those words...

The greatest movements have been led by great speakers
Religious or political,
Their purpose is articulated by their leaders
Even if hypothetical

My purpose here is not merely entertainment,
To be read and laid aside
Universal Human Rights are our attainment,
By which we should all abide

If you will read this once again with that in mind
Take time to pause and reflect
No matter what, you’re always part of Humankind...
Remember that and respect

The great diversity from which we all come
One Way is a fiction, but
No matter how diverse the branches become,
We all share a common root

Karl Stuart Kline
