This is a time of silences.
Full moons frozen in the winter sky
of moths smashed on the candle flame
radiant leaves hung in the black waters
of trees preserved
in the morning mist
The time when the seeds whisper under the fallen leaves
of warmth and light and other worlds
and shine translucent shine in the evening light
a galaxy of celestial bodies
This is the silence of anticipation
before the fall
before the stone splits
the stick cracks
the silence of tides
before the seed splits its shell nudging blindly through the velvet darkness
The silent sound will strip you back to your soul
bleach you to your brittle bones
a roaring biting noise hard as bitter root
fingers through the arching ribs
to take the breath from your lungs
the ache as dull as a winter moor
This is the silence before
the movement upwards
to the warmth and light
the new time
Anthony Dalby