Geoff Warden - Monday's Malice!

2014-11-07 2

Awaken early morn' of November,
a peculiar of sort in so many away.

No ordinary day shall this be,
spring fever comes early, don't ya see.

The temp' rises on this glorious day,
steel horse must run to earn it's pay.

Yet I feel a wee sluggish, certain of lack,
hav' welcome spring feeling upon me back.

Th' tune of song, 'tis load n' clear,
Bing Crosby sings 'is Christmas cheer.

Figure dis malice mornin' array
Lady of skirts, barin' a thigh.

'Tis November yes, for need to be clear,
dis Monday malice does give a bum-steer.

Moth'r nature at work, givin' us a taunt,
for just las' week, that howlin' haunt.

Pumkin' shine, Drak's cape unfurled,
did we not just see Halloween whirl.

I'm all amidst, triffel, n' fupaw,
yet Mondays malice, leaves me in ahh.

Geoff Warden