Denise Girod - Gods' Carrying Case

2014-11-07 0

The outward appearance can put many expressions on one face.
Like whoa baby, a smile, saddness, pain, disgust, or looks of disgrace.
People should realize our outward appearance is only Gods' Carrying case.

A gift given to us by the Good Lord above
to walk through this life full of Hope, Faith, and Love
His hope is during our walk, our carrying case we make good use of

Our carrying case comes in many colors, sizes, shapes, and forms
Sometimes they look like they have been through some terrible storms
Others are so beautiful the glow from them just warms

Look inside the carrying case to see what you may find
You may find the most wonderful person the Good Lord designed
that will open your eyes to show, you are not blind

Please look past the outward appearance of our carrying case
You may find a beautiful flower being held in a crystal vase

Denise Girod