To many hours spent upon the road,
my return, a most lonely entrance,
times separation has left empty space,
leaving need of wanting eminence.
As I enter the room....darkness,
like everyone has fallen' from vision,
the lonely glow of a single candle,
tells the story of all that is known.
Switch of light, illuminates shadows,
and my true, I now must bare,
huddled in corner, covered in blanket,
is my sweet Lady, oh so fair.
Ever so slowly, place a kiss on her brow,
as not to startle, my sleeping beauty,
with exhale of lengthen breath,
state of rest is her moody.
Slowly I lift her, carrying to the loft,
the room of our sacred bed,
many a night, we dance between sheets,
yet tonight she shall lay her head.
Somberly, I retire to her side,
as to not awaken her more,
a long day has been her journey,
and this moment I find a'more.
So let her rest in peaceful slumber,
for tomorrow there be 'ell to pay,
she'll awaken to her loving kids,
and I once again......gone away..
Geoff Warden