How does Jesus know when someone commits a sin?
Are there little surveillance angels loitering around
just waiting to catch people jaywalking or cursing or
something? Man, how do they keep track of all of it?
They probably carry around little notepads or laptops,
right? Either that or they just magically remember all
of it until they have time to load it all onto some
central mainframe computer.
Once folks are in the sinner database there’s no way
to get off of it, is there? Oh, they can always repent,
but Jesus has already died for their sins and there’s
nothing they can do to reverse that.
My sins will go on my permanent record along with
that demerit I got the time Mr. Skeezix made me go to
detention in Junior High for slamming my locker too
hard. What a nimrod that guy was. I hope Jesus kicks
his butt, and I wish I could watch it happen.
Say, that would be a great reality TV show –
watching the different ways people suffer in Hell.
It would need to have a good laugh-track though.
Professor Poetry Hound