2014-11-07 12

The sky was gray today
When she woke up and got out of the bed
She walked out into her balcony
She saw the rain pouring down fast
It washed her tears away
And washed her sadness away
Rain I hope you will stop soon
It will make the grass grow green again
It will water the flowers in the garden
This is the song of the rain
God created the rain and the sun also
How lucky
You have heard her prayer
It finally stopped raining again
I always found peaceful the sound of the rain
The sound of the rain is music to my ears
And puts me to rest
Any time of the day or night
I am not frighten of the rain
I know that the rain is not going to hurt me
And I am not going to melt either
Because I am not made of ice
The song of the rain I sing
I wrote it for the rain
I had the rain on my mind today
Honestly I did
The rain washes all the mud away, the side walk, and the street away
The song of the rain I keep singing on and on
Until I run out of voice
And tired myself out
People say the rain is for the ducks
Some say it is raining cats and dogs
Every time it rains out

Aldo Kraas

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