She wandered lonely in a crowd
that fills the Internet for thrills,
when all at once she thought aloud,
hosts surfing, toasting golden pills,
beside the screen, beyond base tease,
revamping her priorities.
Continuous as the stars that shine
and twinkle over life today
she sought a never-ending line
to set example, quoted play:
Ten thousand thinklings at a glance
were tossed while head sought elegance.
The waves within met some which stray
by chance or fate, late sparkling glee:
a poet could not but be gay,
acknowledging eternity.
She gazed, she gazed, but little thought
untaught taut flow's show glow had brought:
Once, often on her couch she’d lie
in vacant or in pensive mood.
Wish flashed, dot dashing inward eye
to compensate her solitude.
Henceforth her heart with pleasure fills,
advancing with her writing skills.
Jonathan ROBIN