Lawrence S. Pertillar - You Have Raised These Weeds

2014-11-07 2

I don't make this statement
To have you agree with me...
I make this comment,
Because this is what I see.

You can't raise children to be men and women!
The children of today have been spoiled
By what has been given!
They are nurtured like a plant or a pet
Around the house.
They are fed much nonsense and reflect,
What we have put out!
If it's garbage in our minds and garbage that we eat...
What do you expect to find on the streets?
Pansies and Roses?
Lilacs and Hibiscus?
Pruned trees and bushes...
And manicured lawns we sweat to treat?
If you have not encouraged your 'crops' to grow,
How do you expect your harvest to 'glow'?
You have raised these 'weeds'...
And that's the point I want to make!
You ignored advice from the 'gardener',
And that has been YOUR mistake!
Those choking 'vines' that grew from your home
That have driven you to heartbreak...
Have been your responsibility,
And it now shows upon your face!
And now you want them to leave you alone?
These 'creatures' are yours...
Reflecting what you have condoned!

Lawrence S. Pertillar

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