Dave Tanguay - Let us give thanks (poem)

2014-11-07 10

Our world of so many modern conveniences
We were born to accept, and have taken for granted
Allow us to live our lives with very little inconveniences
In our minds, a feeling of aid has been implanted

What would we do without television or telephone?
Not to mention a washer and dryer, along with
Running water
We were all born during such an historical milestone
With personal computers, our home - became our world

Let us give recognition, to the men and women - who
The pioneers of yesterday, who gave us - what we have today
Through their hard work and tolerance, let their deeds be revered
Let us offer a moment of tribute, be gratefully given - in a highly
Valued way

Guided with persistence - by way of God’s resourceful hand
For he worked along beside them, as he whispered - his plan
Prayers - from those seeking to find a better way
Were being answered, -unfolding, before us were the wonder’s
Of a entirely newfound day

Dave Tanguay
