john tiong chunghoo - Poem about Poetry - Poet and Comments

2014-11-07 4

a good poet
takes every opportunity
to read up other's work

it is through others
we see more clearly
our own work,
our station in life
our cultures,
our very being

part of ourselves
we own ourselves
the rest, others
including god himself

part of ourselves
we owe it to the others
to interprete for us
part of the world
we owe it to the others
to help build up for us

a poet, a human soul
is a torn book
the missing pages
you find in the
hands of his countrymen
and God himself


a bad poem can also be an excellent poem
for poetry is a measure of a poet's imagination
of the world he lives in and how he carries out that task
i love reading a poet's work filled with mistakes too
for that shows another side of the poet, his
tenacity to conveying his heart to his readers
despite his shortcomings - the mistakes reveal
a side of him that enhances the value of his work
the sweat and tears they flow over our heart as
our eyes scan their lines

john tiong chunghoo