Ernestine Northover - Come Talk With Me

2014-11-07 1

Come talk with me of many a thing,
Of autumn hues, and the buds of spring,
Of cloudy skies and the sunshine's beams,
The sharp reality, and the gentle dreams.

Come talk with me of joyful times,
Of fun and laughter and pantomimes,
Of life's sweet pleasures, delights and thrills,
But not of sadness or our earthly ills.

Come talk with me of love and bliss,
Of how we felt on our first kiss,
Of when we two became as one,
And our life together became fine-spun.

Come talk with me of everything,
Of bees and birds upon the wing,
Of nature's rare beauty all around,
Things that can so, the mind, astound.

Come talk with me, converse a while,
Of precious thoughts that raise a smile,
Of remembering something that is really true,
That you're here for me and I'm here for you.

Ernestine Northover