Renu Rakheja a.k.a Tranquil Ocean - (H) 5 (DEDICATIONS) THE APSARAS OF ANGKOR

2014-11-07 1

As dusk set in the golden passage of Angkor
The apsaras opened their eyes and slowly stretched their arms
Locked and frozen in the walls since yore
Now moving out languidly like a bunch of swans

The soldiers of Suryavarman stood transfixed in a daze
watching the apsaras in their resurrection
Breaking out in a fluidlike dance, they set the men ablaze
Helpless, they burn in the fire of their seduction

They shimmer under the moon that casts its silvery night
Its come so close to watch the beauty dance
Bedazzled by their sheer grace, it watches in delight
Reluctant to go back, the night just got prolonged

As the sun rises, so do we...
With breathless anticipation, finally getting to see
The grand Angkor, what we had all dreamed
The carvings on the walls sparkled and gleamed

In the passage of the apsaras..heard a tinkling laugh
Shaking my head, we proceeded to the next half
As I glanced at one of them, she winked...I could have sworn
On the next walls, grand scenes of a battlefield adorned

In the corner was a black burnt hole where some soldiers
were there till yesterday but were now gone....

Renu Rakheja a.k.a Tranquil Ocean