Thrown into this world
By who was I hurled
Emerged out crying and flailing arms
Till this day flailing in the storms
Like a thin straw in the midst of a furious wind
Not knowing where it will be blown or pinned
But larger than life Ego thinks it commands
Arent we just a puppet in destiny hands?
Walking on a road unaware of the destination
Exulting in our achievements, wild with elation
Furiously battling it out and losers even if we win
We dont know whats the battle for, we just spin
We live for our mind and body, Vanity is our attire
Amassing knowledge and wealth, we indulge all our desires
Setting up a colourful table that we muster in lifes cafe
Living a brief moment in time, we come and we pass away
Blurry eyed we live our lives in a daze
Seeing clearly our delusions, rest is just a haze
Burying our souls under heavy waters of our wants
Beware....we mistake it for our human form
Release it from the cages, let it take wings
Let it spread its wings, let it go where it can sing
Away, Away from the brackish water of this universe
From this world of separation to the world where soul is king
Renu Rakheja a.k.a Tranquil Ocean