I carry you in this heart of mine
So as long as I live you'll be
And though we're worlds apart in time
You are a heartbeat away to me
A heartbeat away, my love
Though I miss you so, my dear
I know you're safe above
But for me I shed a tear
I shed a tear for life
For it's dull without you in it
And the pain cuts like a knife
And deeper every minute
Though the pain grows every day
One thing is always true
You are always a beat away
I am a heartbeat away from you
A heartbeat away, my love
You are never far away
And though you're high above
In my heart you'll always stay
I carry you in this heart of mine
So as long as I live you'll be
And though we're worlds apart in time
You are a heartbeat away to me
Catlin L. Crawford