Ralph had a horrible nightmare
In which a demon was chasing him
But when he told his friends at the pub
They just laughed and said, 'It's only a dream'
Yet that dream came night after night
Still Ralph's friends laughed when he told them
Thinking that Ralph was a great storyteller
Or else going a little bit potty
Then one evening Ralph didn't show
At the pub at his usual time
So his friends went around to his house
To discover the door hanging off its' hinges
The place was in great disarray
Of Ralph there was no sign
Though all his belongings were still there
Fridge, freezer and larder well stocked
It seemed that nothing except Ralph had been taken
Yet strangely high up on the walls
Were several deep scratches
Yet there was no blood, the police were baffled
And although everyone searched everywhere
Ralph was never seen or heard of again.
Marilyn Shepperson