Can we truly understand
Thoughts and needs of every man
Living on this blessed earth?
Not something that we know at birth -
Something we must strive to know
Whether man is friend or foe;
Our lesson is to learn to feel
Compassion and a love that's real
For each and every human being
No matter what our eyes are seeing;
'Though we live in a different place
We all make up the human race,
And each of us is of the One
In equal force our blood does run,
No man is better than his brother
Come Judgement Day there'll be no other
Reason why we'll stand together
And rise to heaven like a feather
There beside the one we hate -
We'll stand in line outside the gate
And wait our turn to pass on through -
And I'll be standing next to you;
Will you reach your hand to me
And be of cheer as friends should be,
Or will you meet me with a grudge
And to the end still be my judge?
Life's a chance that's given free
To be the best that you can be,
To learn to love your fellow man -
So trust your heart and know you can.
Linda Ori