Colleen Wright - The Fast Growing Rose

2014-11-07 2

Yes, maybe you should beware of the rose that grows too quickly,
As the fragrance could be too over-powering, too strong or sickly.
Maybe your most beautiful words of this wild rose - as in rhyme,
could prove fatal for your soft and romantic heart - after a time.

Should this rose spread it's branches - it's stems to further a field
to find a tougher heart who would have enough true passion to yield
enough of the needed soul-food to make content and to satisfy
this soft fragile heart? How you do know I wonder, and not deny.

Your words have truely touched my heart - very close to the bone,
as in the deepest part of me - thought well hidden in my heart's home.
You are winding me into the beautiful web of your heart and soul
and I wonder, as you do too - is this real - is it right, and is it whole?

Colleen Wright