Michael Gale - Life's Life Long Quest To End It All At Last.

2014-11-07 0

Oh God-Why are these voices held captive deep within my head? ...
God-Why go on living instead of dying to hold open arms to
a deathly embrace-at last to be dead?
Voices keep saying to me grab firmly a hold of that razor blade ever so tight...
No need to live-no need to fight.
Just imagining the blood trickle and drip down to my feet...
I am not a champion of the living but a loyal unquestioning butler
to lifely defeat.
I cannot wait to try on that silky or satinny cloaked
linning inside that coffin...
So smooth to the skin-so smoothy softened.
A much sought after slumbering sleep of peace....
Could all of this happen from digesting too much fats and grease?
No more money or health issues...
At my funeral mass will there be a lot of wet eyes requiring
lots of tissues?
Somber organ music played in a church mass of well good intention...
No will to be left to greedy relatives too greedy and evil for me
to bother to mention.
How else may i do it? , with a noose or a gun? ...
Pills swallowed could be well peaceful as fun.
From this life i don't have to be brave...
From now on i'll just be a scared running knave.
Life just get out of my tight, tight pocket....
Just let me finally close these eyelids to cover
these tiresome eye sockets.
Let us end life now and end it quick....
It's into the ground with me that they'll have to implant and stick.

Michael Gale
