When we sleep, when we dream...
We can be anything that we want
Deep and inner longing manifesting into a form...
Part of the self leaves the body when we sleep...
It becomes what we want to be
Hidden desires buried inside...out they creep
I'm the moon, everything glistens and shimmers in my light...
Playing and flirting through the clouds
My reflection in still water is the most beautiful sight...
I'm the wave surging out in the deep sea...
A giant leap and then merging back
Sometimes crashing, sometimes tranquil...always thirsty
I'm the cloud made of white whipped cream...
Wandering over Angkor, Luxor or Memphis
Each day moving to a new place of my dream...
I'm a dust particle floating in the will of the air...
That no one can see but can generate a bout of sneeze
I'm here, I'm there....I'm everywhere...
I'm a child again looking at everything with a glee...
Thirst to learn, thirst to dance
Breaking out in a gurgling laughter looking up at you innocently...
I'm the scarlet rose as dark as wine...
Each peatal as it unfolds revealing a hidden pearl
When all petals drop...become a field of grapewine
I'm the gnome with a long nose in the Faraway Tree...
Get lost in the various lands that anchor on the top
Throwing water on any intruder that comes to visit me...
So every human streams out in the nights....
Some do it even in the day to escape
They just do it in different lights...
When we sleep, when we dream...
You can be anything that you want
Deep and inner longing manifesting into a form....
Renu Rakheja a.k.a Tranquil Ocean