Samson Minder - This Hate

2014-11-07 0

I hate the word terrorist
I hate how it is used
I hate the war began by it
I hate the hate that ensues
I hate the politicians, who squander human lives
I hate the people
I hate the people who allow
I hate the people who ignore the truth
I hate myself who stands helpless, frustrated, and confused
I hate… hate
I hate the truth of today
I hate the horror of yesterday
I hate that I cannot forget
I hate the media who conform the masses
I hate the fear that leaves a repugnant odor
I hate those that use this fear to kill
All this hate I bear eats at me
This hate eats you
Hate will consume us, until all of humanity is lost
While I spin so does the world
While we die so does the world
While the world is at war
There will be no winner
There will be no victory
There will be no peace
Wake up……
WAKE up…….
So we can end this hate

Samson Minder