Dave Tanguay - Money! money! money! (poem)

2014-11-07 1

Money! money! money! “who”, needs money?
Yeah right, - ask me another question honey-

From day one, - money rules our lives.
How much we are worth, is how well we survive.

If we are born to wealth, clout, and prominence
We can be assured; the people will acknowledge our

However if it so happens we are born poor, we only have dreams.
Dreams to be, - to be on top of the - so-called - social hierarchy

Yes through our lives, we dream the UN - dream - able
Our dreams may even cause our minds to become unstable

Whose idea was it to initiate such a craze as money anyhow?
It sure wasn’t the Indians, for they greeted us with the word, -
“How! ”

If it were up to me, I’d rob Fort Knox, and dump the goal in
The middle of the ocean.
Without a core value for money, this would start quite a commotion

Who knows it may even be the beginning of a brand new day.
For to give, share, serve, love, - would be given every which way


Dave Tanguay


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