Egal Bohen - Another Truth (Don't read this if you don't believe in God)

2014-11-07 7

If you believe in God
God must have made us all
Out of whatever God is
Unless God borrowed something small
From some other God, perhaps a friend of his
Or, he may have had a brother or a sister or two
Though this is unlikely and probably not true
Because it would mean, that he was in that case
Just one of two or three Gods out there in space
Raising the question of who was there first
Where did the others come from?
Perhaps near Chislelhurst?
And then one could ask, where did the others go?
But that's a very difficult question to answer, you know
Which means in the end you surely must perceive
If you believe in one God
He is in you and me

For whatever God is
You is a part

(Actually, ... I think, ....he lives in your heart)

Egal Bohen

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