Michael Shepherd - 0044 Liste ye thertyl allé thynge ye speke

2014-11-07 18

Allé thyngés speke the name of godde.
Trete allé thynge as lichsome lissom mayde
thatte fore thu yearne to daunce as cheke to cheke
as for to sense the savour of here blome;
Ware thu watchen; thenne alle thynge schal speke
and telle al worldés hiden metodés
than speké not thatte godde speke of him self;
thorough goddes brethe hem brethe thy yeres thereinne
hem sondés, hwile thatte ye stonde and boté stare;
Hwaet thu! Tak boté steppés quicke and close
as alway maydé mak menne brazelich bolde –
for til godde speke thee in Hys allé thynge,
so ware thu watchen; alle thynge slepe inne godde.

Michael Shepherd
