Eric Paul Shaffer - She Says All Women Are Liquid

2014-11-07 1

A woman is liquid because she flows. She carves arcs and curves
in the vessel she forms. She is moved by the moon. She is a fluent

force that endures in all senses, for the world as it is without her
is not. A woman appears as earth and as air and embraces fire.
Her nature, like water, rounds, encloses, encircles. None can live

without her. She is the unacknowledged strength of the world, truly
fundamental, essential in three forms, maiden, matron, and crone.

In every direction we look all we see is material, and all we touch
we call mother. She is the principle beneath the constant motion
all things communicate. She is the river within stone, and the flow

in what seems fixed. She is the first teacher, and the first lessons
of water are lessons that last: water creates as it destroys, destroys

as it creates, and creates what it destroys. One who bears water
becomes water, and ripples in rivers and tides are simple signs,
deep and profound. Water embodies change and never changes,

for a smooth surface marks prolonged and fluid craft, and she
wields the power wisely. A woman is liquid because she flows.

Eric Paul Shaffer