Pookey's Poems - Kinds of Loss

2014-11-07 21

There's kinds of loss that can bum you out

The loss of a game
You lost your way
Losing your favorite pin

This can make you pout
But without a doubt
It is not a real big thing

The kind of loss that can make you shout

The loss of your job
The loss your car
When you could not pay

It left you confused
Feeling slightly defused
But then you can re-group

Then there a loss, that cuts deep within

My maternal rights that I tried not to win
So stupid to give up such a gift
To watch my boys grow, live with the man
that I've tried so much to get away

No school papers to hang on my frig
No more practices to run to at night
Now I that I am a part-time Mom
And try and do it all on my weekends

Pookey's Poems


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