Moya Levy - 0138 Rubik's Bloody Cube!

2014-11-07 1

A memory inspired by Seamus Fox

Rubik's bloody cube.

Christmas brought me rubik's cube,
Neatly packaged,
Nicely wrapped.
I enjoy a puzzle me,
Stretch my mind,
Set cogs whirring.
I messed it up a little bit,
Twist and turn,
Turn then twist,
I got it back,
9 coloured squares the same,
Each and every side.
So I messed it up a little more,
Twist, twist, twist,
Turn, twist, turn,
Twist, twist....turn!
Want a challange see.
I'm struggling though,
Three sides the same....
No, messed them up,
Other sides looking good....
Twist, turn, turn, turn, turn...

Three years later I get a screwdriver,
Prised the bloody thing apart!
Karma bit me on the arse though - couldn't fit the last piece back in!

Moya Levy