Linda Ori - If Only

2014-11-07 1

Lives pass by, intersect and connect,
Those we would meet come and go -
Often we don't see the overall plan
Never meeting the ones we should know;
It's all about timing, one tick of the clock
Either brings us together or not,
And if we are lucky we know in our hearts
To be thankful for those that we've got;
Sometimes we're caught up in life's daily grind
And we never look up from our chores,
That person we long for that just passed us by
Might have stayed if we'd opened the doors;
Then here comes a person straight out of the blue
That totally blows you away,
And though he is everything you'd ever want
He's taken - there's nothing to say
Except that it's not fair when things like this happen,
And happen they do all the time,
You wish things were different, but that's not to be
So you suffer inside for the crime
Of loving the one that you never can have
No matter how hard you may try,
So you make up your mind to get on with your life
And just let those feelings pass by;
If only we'd met when the timing was right
While walking that infinite mile -
I'd have given you the universe, the moon and the stars -
If only you'd lingered awhile.

Linda Ori