Renu Rakheja a.k.a Tranquil Ocean - (D) 5 (NATURE) THE WIND IS TRYING TO TELL ME SOMETHING

2014-11-07 5

The wind is trying to tell me something
Just softly murmuring and whispering
Gently touching my skin and making me tingle
Breathe in the freshness and let it mingle
Take in the new earth after its been drenched of rain
Ease your minds out of the painful past and all the pain
Sing with the wind resurfacing the music that slowly died
Feel the vibrations of nature's love and not your hurt pride
Sway with the new crop out there in the fields
And not the dagger of your anger that it wields
The rose has wilted but a new bud has arisen
Release the past and let it out from your prison
Life is transient and you may not be able to capture love
But beauty is constant and it will always keep you above

Renu Rakheja a.k.a Tranquil Ocean

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