I stared at the floor for hours
hoping my life would soon return to normal,
My face was torn and battered
from the thrashing that was abysmal,
I layed there in my blood
it was cold and dark as usual
above me there he stood
with his eyes glazed and hands unstable
I deserve every punch I get
each dropp of blood that is spilt
are my sins that in my future I will commit.
I cannot be freed to the world
I am a monster to worthless to be seen
my home is my excrement filled urine stenched room
where takes place my beatings I will recieve
In my dreams I float away
I am with my mother who kisses me everyday,
she holds me and hugs and keeps me warm
never letting me go,
In my dreams I am 'safe'
a word I shall never know
I do not see the light
I do not see outside
I do see my life
traumatised by fright
Gary McPhail