Masiela Lusha - I Cannot Sleep

2014-11-07 4

I cannot sleep. I cannot sleep!
And so my mind hangs
On the window pane
And catches the paler winter night
And all her forgotten stars
Lost and constant. But lost.

& so I hang my musings
Over my head—a dream catcher,
A braided work of skill— decorated
With blue imagery & lazy pearls.

I cannot sleep. I cannot sleep!
Outside, a world… a world!
A gleaming bed of stars—
And all her lighter down
Crowning my window’s pane bright!
A sheet of stars! A mirror here on Earth.
All fate and cosmos…
Busy and bound!

See? I will not sleep
Until I tie their values
On a page, and catch
Their world in a sigh—
Until I master and tame
The spirit of their flight…
And pull their mask of chill aside.

I cannot sleep. I cannot breathe!
I cannot steer these story wings!

I tug apart my knotted musing
And all her polished luck…
And release the cosmos from my grip.
(Earthly and Divine)
I unhook the silver night from my thoughts,
And unbraid the daedal wind.

Beneath a setting dust of patience,
Hushed and light,
I fall asleep with all my peace.

Masiela Lusha