Michelle Guza - **Don't forget me**

2014-11-07 0

Don’t forget me as you walk right past
I just want our memories to always last
Screaming at the top of my lungs that I just want out
Pease don’t forget all that i’m about
Never once will you leave from my thought
Just hoping that you haven’t already forgot
Look at me and you will see that I need your helping hand
Please don’t forget me, you’re the only one that will understand
Now i’m trying to remember the good instead of the bad
But it happens that good is mostly what we had
Don’t forget that I am always there
To forget someone isn’t something, that I would dare
The forgotten is things that weren’t important to remember
Forgetting you would be like living inside an ember
Or maybe the things that we are forced to forget
Are the things we need to know
Something are to perfect that we have to let go
I opened me eyed and I looked to see
but it seems that you forgot me...

Michelle Guza
