Arti Chopra - Dont Look Back

2014-11-07 13

dont look back,
at the memories that haunt,
the painful truth,
so dark and so gaunt
its time to look forward,
beyond the need and the want,
pretend u dont hear,
the jibe and the taunt,
words that were spoken
in anger and rage,
words whose effect
no one can gauge,
forget the bleak past,
look head with hope,
forget the despair,
you know you can cope,
forget the intentions to hurt and be cruel,
forget the fire he added to your fuel,
forget the tounge lashing,
more hurtful than a sword,
forget the provocations,
the desire to further goad,
gain strength from your suffering,
be silent and wise,
rise above being petty
and doing likewise,
break free from those shackles,
let your spirit fly free,
spread your wings and soar,
like a bird from a tree,
make a life of your own
you're a woman.more than strong,
use your oars against the tide
and God will help you along.

Arti Chopra

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