Arti Chopra - As I Was Walking Along

2014-11-07 4

as I was walking along one day,
I chanced on an old man.
ragged dirty and wild eyed,
sitting by himself, on the foot path,
talking to himself,
crying and laughing,
all at the same time,
people passed by,
intent in their thoughts, not bothered,
some spared a second glance,
some a sigh,
I passed by too,
but the memory lingered,
continued to haunt me,
he too was a human,
fashioned by the same God,
unloved, unwanted, alone,
unaware of his surroundings,
for what sins, had he to atone?
it bought home to me
with a forceful jolt,
how lucky and fortunate are we
we sit in our plush homes
wallow in the love and care of our loved ones,
and yet we are never thankful
still we complain
and want, and lust, and scheme,
but remember
whenever such thoughts and cravings
enter our heads, and cause unrest,
spare a thought, for the many such people
who exist, live, yet are for all purpose...dead,
for, not to have love or not to love,
is not to live at all,
for life is love itself,
love for God, love for the fellow being,
this is the one thing,
that makes life worth living
so, be at peace my friend
and feel the love that flows all around you....
let the love of all dear ones
embrace and surround you,
revel in it, and thank God that it is there.
give it limitlessly....
and you will recieve
more than your share.

Arti Chopra

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