Pete Crowther - Poor Lebanon and Some Thoughts on Brotherly Love

2014-11-07 0

Poor Lebanon, one moment
smiling in the summer sun
when like a bolt from heaven
out of the clear blue sky
come death, destruction, bombs,
proud buildings toppled,
homes turned to dust,
towns, cities, villages
destroyed, day after day
explosions, missiles, shells and bombs,
women, children, innocents
killed, crushed, torn — all victims of
high politics and those
who wish to see the war prolonged
for reasons of their own.
But worst of all are those
mad Xtian zealots who believe
this war is Armageddon’s dawn,
most welcome harbinger of Judgement Day
when Christ returns and they,
the Chosen Ones will get to gaze
upon the damned, their sinful neighbours;
so satisfying it will be
to see them sent to Hell for all eternity.

Pete Crowther

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