To the lonely people, in this world we share,
You’re not alone, as others may know,
Don’t be afraid, for someone will care,
Life’s not always happy and fair,
Think of the good, in the life you ’share,
You know you have, so think with might,
The people you know, and the people who care,
You’re not alone, in your loneliness fight,
Put a smile on your face, and continue the fight,
You know in your heart, that’s the only way,
So set your goal, and keep it in sight,
Happiness will come, as you’ll see one day,
Just remember one thing, as life goes on,
The world is made of many, who share the same,
We’re not all alike, nor are we a pawn,
Loneliness is something, we all have to tame.
B.J. Ayers