For you and you alone,
Creation has somehow come about..
for a moment, held its breath
and then, breathed you,
to demonstrate its awesome powers.
For you and you alone,
worlds have collided: not
the planets and the stars
in their graceful distances
(though some say, even they colluded) –
but worlds of cause and mind and body;
for you and you alone,
miracles have become commonplace.
For you and you alone,
the gods invented blue:
painted the windows of your soul
which have yet to focus,
with a blue so delicate yet bright,
so here and yet so far;
eyes that just now for a moment opened,
remained unimpressed,
closed into a smile
at what you still remember deep inside;
For you and you alone,
a lifetime’s been prepared
(some say you wrote the first draft of the script..)
but right now, you and we
live only in the present; may you
live always in that..
For you and you alone, all one,
Love is.
Love that made the world, sustains it; the
infinite electricity of your mother’s touch,
your father’s sheer delight;
for you and you alone, Love is.
Michael Shepherd