On wings of faith soaring high through the heavens above
Yielding a shield of strength, sword of courage and I heart full of love
The prayer warrior bravely fights for all those in need
And cares not for himself and knows not of greed
He fights for those weaker than you or I
And his source of power is the strongest of the sky
Death prevails not against his power of prayer
He's one in a million and his breed is rare
Only one man fights with him, thats God above
God is his power because God is Love
But sometimes you'll find that prayer warriors unite
And and now Doc and I are gonna help you fight
We'll stand strong for you Kristin and we wont let you fail
With God by our side nothing bad can prevail
We are prayer warriors for you and we'll fight till the end
And the end isn't here until you're body we mend.
Dedicated to (Kristin Davis) and (Doc Wilde)
Kristin, you have friends that love you with all their heart including God above. Hang in there.
Catlin L. Crawford