Almighty God’s healing hand, can touch the heart and soul of man,
The same hand which heals ills, can straighten out our twisted wills.
Christ who healed the multitudes, also healed hearts and attitudes,
The Lord can redirect any life, away from pains and darkened strife.
God will meet you where you are, dear friend, be it near or be it far.
For God leads a lost sinful soul, to His Son, who makes him whole.
He will give you new found sight, and put you on a path that’s right.
God will meet you in your night, to guide you out with His pure light.
Taking you from where you’ve been, by His Son, who heals our sin.
He then takes you to a higher place, as He leads you by His Grace.
God’s Eternal Healing for every life, is in the power of Jesus Christ.
Through His stripes we are healed, this is what Isaiah has revealed,
Stripes He received upon the cross, where Christ died for all the lost.
Isaiah and others had prophesied, about Christ who came and died,
Well before Christ walked on earth, well before Christ’s humble birth.
Although Christ healed many friend, He came to show a better end,
As all who one day leave this life, can live forever with Jesus Christ.
The stripes that He did receive, spiritually healed all who did believe.
Even today the stripes He bore, for men lead to God’s Eternal shore.
Beyond is eternal life, not death, eternal health and Heaven’s breath.
(Copyright ©07/2006)
Bob Gotti